About TYPF

The YP Foundation (TYPF) is a youth development organisation that facilitates young people’s feminist and rights-based leadership on issues of health equity, gender justice, sexuality rights, and social justice. TYPF ensures that young people have the information, capacity, and opportunities to inform and lead the development and implementation of programmes and policies that impact their lives and are recognised as skilled and aware leaders of social change.


About Mardon Wali Baat

Mardon Wali Baat Programme at TYPF works with young men and boys in campus and community settings to facilitate a deeper reflection on masculinities that can lead to a rejection of patriarchal gender norms and gender based violence. It takes up systematic reflection, dialogue, and action to change the way men and boys understand and engage with masculinity and the pressure to perform it in certain set ways. The programme takes up research and designs approaches and interventions to address masculinity and the gendered experiences of men and boys in an intersectional manner. Ultimately, it seeks to deepen the understanding and practice of feminist allyship by young men and boys towards a rejection of violence and the advancement of positive masculinities in thought and action.


About this Site

This website consists of various interactive stories and resources that talk about masculinities and its role in our everyday life. The stories consist of multiple situations where you can choose what happens next and your response will decide how the story goes forward. As you make decisions, you might see various messages on masculinities based on your choice. We have also added some important resources that explain these connections even further. You can also access these resources separately or any other time just by clicking on the “Resources” on your screen. And if you like these stories, then check out the “Events” page to register for our online sessions where we discuss these masculinities in more detail.